Once the stuff of science fiction and now a mainstay in modern medicine, laser light has been proven to be a minimally invasive option to various dental procedures. Laser therapy can deliver results just as good as conventional means, yet allow for faster healing times and much less discomfort. Take a look at some of the many ways dental lasers can be used to enhance your smile.
Removing Decaying Gum Tissue
The conventional means for removing diseased gum tissue entails using a scalpel and other metal tools to carefully trim away infected areas of the gums. The mouth is numbed with local anesthesia before the procedures and the gums are stitched up afterward.
A dental laser can perform the same task without the need to make cuts with a scalpel. The highly focused laser light is more accurate and precise than conventional means, helping your dentist minimize the amount of healthy tissue removed along with the bad.
With laser dentistry, this procedure will entail less bleeding and you’ll likely not need a local anesthetic. On top of that, you won’t need stitches.
Removing Overgrown Gum Tissue
Overgrown gum tissue can make the teeth look shorter and can make for what’s sometimes referred to as “a gummy smile.” Using dental lasers, this overgrown gum tissue can be trimmed and shaped to look more natural and more aesthetically pleasing.
Freeing the Lips or the Tongue
The frenulum, the tissue that attaches the tongue and upper lip to the gums, can restrict the movement of the upper lip or tongue. This can restrict speak and impact the smile. Dental lasers can trim back the frenulum to free up the lip and tongue to move around more naturally, helping the patient speak more clears and smile more confidently.
Talk with a Dentist in Van Nuys, CA
Take a moment to schedule a consultation with a local dentist in Van Nuys, CA to learn more about laser dentistry and how this sector of dentistry can elevate your smile.